K.I.S.S. Post – April 15, 2010

This is the WRONG KISS -- a band from the 70s and 80s. Gross.

Hi KIPPsters!

You all have been working so hard on test prep this week, that tonight, let’s just K.I.S.S! Yup, that’s right, let’s KISS! Ew, gross, not that kind of KISS — KISS: Keep It Simple, Silly! After you read for 35 minutes, please just KISS by following the:


1. Username. Title. Author.

2. Tonight I read _____ pages.

3. Create 3 Thick Questions. Please focus your questions on: Critiquing the Author’s Intentions, Critiquing the Author’s Style of Writing, Evaluating the Language, Digging Deeper to Uncover Greater Meaning or Evaluating Social Issues and Themes.

Pretty easy, right? Aren’t you glad we KISSed? 🙂 



22 thoughts on “K.I.S.S. Post – April 15, 2010

  1. Ola2015- Today I started and finished reading the book “Morning Girl”, by Michael Dorris. I read in total 74 pages.
    1)What do you think the author was trying to portray in terms of Star Boy’s behavior?
    2)How did the author choose to write this book? Why?
    3)What is the meaning of the storm? Explain 🙂

  2. sammy2015: I am reading I’d Tell You I Love You But Then I’d Have To Kill You by Ally Carter. I read 25 pages tonight.

    1) How has Josh changed the way Cammie use to think of being a secret teen spy?
    2) Why does Josh treat Cammie differently deppending on their location? Doe he have a secret?
    3) Why does Cammie feel very trusting toward Josh only a while after they met?

  3. sammy2015: I am reading I’d Tell You I Love You But Then I’d Have To Kill You by Ally Carter. I read 25 pages tonight.
    1) How has Josh changed the way Cammie use to think of being a secret teen spy?
    2) Why does Josh treat Cammie differently deppending on their location? Doe he have a secret?
    3) Why does Cammie feel very trusting toward Josh only a while after they met?

  4. Angeline2015: Streams to the river, River to the sea by: Scott O’ Dell. Tonight, I read 20 pages.
    1). Wouldn’t the ring and the venom of the snake choke or kill Sacagawea?
    2). Why did the group of men let Sacagawea jump to try to catch all the things leaving off the boat, instead of them doing it their self?
    3). Why every time Sacagawea talks, Charbonneau says ” Crazy talk, crazy Shoshone talk?”
    One theme in this book is that even though you might not get what you want you should still show gratitude. In the book, right now Sacagawea likes Clark but she has to stay with her husband Charbonneau. Sacagawea didn’t want to marry Charbonneau, but she didn’t really have a choice.

  5. markos2015- i read 20 pages of Dope Sick by Walter Dean Myers and 3 thick questions that i have are
    1.why does lil j think he was the one that got his friends to this mess?
    2.what happened if the book started as “hi my name is… and my friends are…”
    3.how would the book be different if the author had made the exposition with aliitle more action?

  6. My user name is jasonb2015. I am currently reading “Go Ask Alice” by an anonymous author. Tonight, I read 21 pages.

    1).What gave the anonymous author the bravery to write about her private life and share it to the entire world?
    2).As the own author of her diary, what encouraged her to get into drugs and make incorrect decisions?
    3).Through her diary, did she want to teach an important lesson such as following the right path and not getting into drugs?

    One of the major themes in my novel seems to not get badly influenced by your friends and making the choices that you feel is right. One’s heart is stronger than the words that come through your friends’ mouth and you should listen to your heart as it talks to you.

  7. lourdes2015: I am currently reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I read 25 pages.
    1) How has their father’s heart attacks bring the family back together?
    2) How does the family feel about Susie’s death since it happened? (it’s been about 11 years)
    3) Why did the author choose to have Susie be the narrator since she was killed off from the beginning?

  8. I am reading the Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan. I read 61 pages tonight (The book is that good). Is Annabeth’s disappearance bringing her and Percy closer together? Why doesn’t Ares behead Percy now or is it because he will fight back or because Poseidon will get angry and throw him into Tarturus? So, is Artemis delusional because she started the entire quest just for Percy to realize that he was in love with Annabeth?

  9. Hey guys! Tonight I read 22 pages of The True Diary of a Real Part Time Indian. What happened on my book was the Junior has been getting beat up by the brothers. Junior’s buddy is trying to help him out which worked. Junior’s buddy cut of the brothers eyebrows and their hair. 1. Why would the author write this from an indian’s view? 2. Can junior’s problem be fixed as he grows older? 3. What kind of person is Junior?

  10. 1) Is the author trying to let us know that Sacagewea don’t love Toussaint Charbonneau?

    2) does the author think people used to talk like that the way he wrote Toussaint Charbonneau?

    3) does the author think that sacajwea should’ve went on this trip even though she just recently gave birth?

  11. Hey guys! Tonight I read 22 pages of The True Diary of a Real Part Time Indian. What happened on my book was the Junior has been getting beat up by the brothers. Junior’s buddy is trying to help him out which worked. Junior’s buddy cut of the brothers eyebrows and their hair. 1. Why would the author write this from an indian’s view? 2. Can junior’s problem be fixed as he grows older? 3. What kind of person is Junior?

  12. kdozier2015.Streams to the river from the river to the sea.

    1) what was said at that meeting with the Canadian man ?

    2) is Toussaint Charbonneau trying to mess up there trip?

    3) Does Clark have strong feelings for Sacajawea?

  13. Keema T. I am reading “SOLD”. Iread a total of 23 pages.
    Why do you think the author created a stepfather lik Lakshmi’s?
    What would you do if you were living in a world of prostituion?
    DO yout think that Lakshmi hascame a stronger character , due to her stepfathers intentions of making her a prostitue? How.
    If you had a chance to got to India, where would you want to say?

  14. hello Orlando G 2015 here and guess what i decided to blog regularly no caps.i read The Absolute True Diary Of a Part Time Indian and i read 18 pages tonight .
    1)why does junior father kill Oscar if he knew that was his sons best friend?
    2)why does rowdy act all tough if he gets hit by his father and he goes around making belief it was a fight?
    3)why does junior only like to draw he can associate with people he is just to scared?

  15. suni2417- In tonight reading i read 25 pages in the book Streams in the River River to Sea ,by:Scott O’dell. Why did the author wanted to write about the history of lewis and clark, what inspire him to write about them. Also I think that the author way of writing is very creative , because he wan’t to make it in the point of view of sacagawea. One of the theme and issues in the story is that even though you are not with your family you should always try suscceding on your dreams. One of the theme in the story is to never let your love one leave you behind.

  16. 1) Why do you think Katniss sacrificed her life for her sister?
    2) Who do you think is going to win the Games and Why?
    3)Who do you think the fans are betting on the most and Why?

  17. Tonight i read 25 pages of Hunger Games. I read that Katniss is dodging fireballs. But before that she felt light-headed and she passed out and ended up in the games.

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