Wednesday May 12, 2010 – ARITS Post

The check has arrived!

Hi KIPPoes!

It was so much fun reading the play with you guys today. I was impressed with how many of you really became your characters (Ashley, Rasheed, Shakeema and Keith… your voices are still ringing in my ears!) and I was also inspired by those of you who were brave enough to volunteer when no one else seemed interested (thank you, Sulnerys, Kim and Miladys!) and I am very proud of everyone who participated today! It takes a lot of courage to act in front of 30+ folks, so great job!

Asagai has arrived… and so has the check! In your post, discuss how these two important events affect the characters. Check out the criteria below…


1. Username.

2. In what ways does Beneatha stand out from the rest of her family, and from the rest of the cast of A Raisin in the Sun? (2-3 sentences)

3. How does Asagai make Beneatha feel about being American? He teases her for her hair and the way she acts. WHy does he do that? (2-3 sentences)

4. Describe Mama’s reaction to the check. How is it different from Walter’s? (2-3 sentences)

I know it seems like a lot… but A LOT happened in the reading today. Do your best and make sure you write at least two sentences per question.

Happy reading and happy blogging!



57 thoughts on “Wednesday May 12, 2010 – ARITS Post

  1. Keema .T. Sorry I blogged at this time.. This p.c has a virise, and the p.c was fozen all night.

    Some ways that Beneatha stand out from her family is that she has facts to back up her proof unlike mama and the rest of them.She is the only one who is chasing their dream, when it really for young women or just women to have high level jobs and to succeed.

    Asagai makes Beneatha feel that being American is not a true culture. He says that she mutilates her hair every week. I gessus that he is upset that Beneatha is trying to fit in with another culture “whites” b/c white people don’t have all natural hair, they have permish swavy hair. Asagi’s sterotype is that all blacks should have /wear their hair natural.

    When the check come mama is not all hype and ready to spend the money. On the other hand Walter is ready to invest the money into a liquor shop.In my opinon it kind of is a good job, but in the 1950s who has alot of money to buy $10 $20 liquor’s ,rum’s or wines.Mostly whites and i don’t think in the 1950s they wanted blacks to succed

  2. My user name is jasonb2015. Beneatha stands out from the rest of her family and from the rest of the cast of “A Raisin in the Sun” because she is a strong woman and stands up for what she believes and doesn’t let anyone change what she believes in. For instance, when Asagai told Beneatha that assimilationism is so popular in her country, she knew that that was not right of him to say because she’s not an assimilationist. She proved the stereotype of assimilationism being popular in America wrong.

    Asagai makes Beneatha, as an American, feel offended of what Asagai thinks about every American person though it doesn’t relate to her nor show who she truly is. For example, as mentioned before, Asagai said assimilationism is popular in America, but the truth is that Beneatha is not an assimilationist. Also, Asagai makes Beneatha feel disturbed because he says that her hair is very messed up and says that she mutilates her hair every week when it’s not her fault that her hair is the that it is. Finally, Asagai believes that every women only wants love and that that’s enough for a woman, but the truth is that there are other feelings between a man and a woman said Beneatha.

    When Mama received the check, she felt very disappointed and doesn’t make a big deal out of it. She just says that they all knew it was coming and it was not really a surprise at all. Mama seems to complain and really wants to use the money to give it to church, but because of the family and the financial crisis, she knows that the family needs the money. When Walter sees the check, he reacts in a very angry way. He knows that he needs to open the liquor store in order to earn money and buy a new house where everyone is not tightly packed and comfortable. He knows though, that Mama will not give him money from the check to open the liquor store. He yells and realizes that their ways of life must change.

  3. Hello, it’s Rahrah2015.

    I think that Beneatha stands out because she stayed in school and is study, but like her family members they didn’t. She also stands out because she knows about a different culture that is different from hers.

    I think that Asagai makes Beneatha feel like Americans hair came out all wrong and messed up. He does this because she is always serious about everything.

    Mama’s reaction to the check was like she was calm and like she already k new it was coming so she wasn’t all that excited. Walter on the another hand, felt like he didn’t have the need to talk to his wife all he was thinking about was the money.

  4. sammy2015: The ways that Beneatha stands out from the family is that she is understanding and corrective. For example, Mama mistook a Liberian and a Nigerian but Beneatha corrected her. She also seems to be a bit curious. She wondered what Asagai meant when he judged her hair. Asagai affects the way Beneatha feels about being American by his judgements. He critized her mutilated hair which didn’t seem to be noticed by her but he did. She doesn’t feel ugly with the way her hair is but Asagai, though he is a friend, is judging her because of the way her hair changed. Mama and Walter’s reactions were different when the check arrived. Mama was okay at first when she saw a check of ten thousand dollars but unlike everyone else, she just stayed silent and told Ruth to keep it safe. Walter, on the other hand, is happy just like everyone else. At first he is looking at the check and when about to explain something, Mama interrupts to say to tell the wife instead. He gets a bit upset and yells because he wants to be listened to instead of ignored by Mama.

    P.S: Sorry that the blog was a bit late tonight. I read slowly and carefully tonight so that I won’t get the same low grade I did today.

  5. Hi my name is Deion

    I think Beneatha stands out from the rest of the cast in A Raisin InThe Sun because she setts goals for her that most people in the Younger family doesn’t even think about.Like she plans on going to nursing school and becoming a nurse.But the only problem that stands in her way is the money.I also think she stands out because to me she is a liltle bit sneaky and doesn’t want any one to find out about the skeemes she be plotting on.

    Mama reaction toward the check is like so what.She reacts this way because the money is just another way to help fix all problems inthe Youngers life. Ruth has tried to persuad Mama on going on a vaction but she doesn’t want to go because she is worried sbout the family to much. And Walters reaction is exsplosive like.But right now because sine it is his mom he thinks he could get some money to invest on a bar.

    Asagai makes Beneatha feel
    alive of being an African American because he bring her gifts from where he is from and she feel comtable around him that she could be herself. He makes front of her hair and teases her because he likes her in a relationship way. And once Beneatha find out that he likes her she confronts him and tell him that she like him ass a friend and wants to comtenue that friend ship.

  6. krod2015.

    Beneatha is different from the family and the cast of ‘Rasin in the Sun” because she knows Frence and the rest of the family doesnt know. She is also different because when she’s done with school she wants to become a docter which was werid during this time period.

    Asagai makes fun of Beneatha’s hair and the way she acts because she acts like if she’s rich. He makes fun of the way she acts because she only speacks Frence to show off what she knows.

    Mama’s reaction was different froms Walter’s reaction because I think Mama wannted the money to pay for a graden, and Walter thinks that money is the answer to staying alive.

  7. lourdes2015-
    Beneatha stands out of everyone in her family by what she does and by how educated she is. She is the only one in her family that went to college and learned more than them. She was also different because she sees interesting people. She dates a rich African-American man and friends with a fellow college student from Africa.
    Asagai teases Beneatha because of her actions and apperance. Her hair is different than his since they were around different cultures. Asagai was around an African culture while Beneatha was not. She acts more American and not close to her African roots.
    When the check comes, everyone reacts diferently. Ruth seems excited along with Travis. The family has never had that much money before. Walter wants to take the money, but Mama tells him to go over it with Ruth. He doesn’t. Walter has a quick temper.

  8. Janibell2015- Beneatha stands out from the rest of her family because she is more educated. She speaks with a higher vocabulary and not with as much slang as her family members do. She is also interested in school and becoming a professional which was very unusual for a woman in these times.

    Asagai makes Beneathea feel intimidated. He does this because he wants to tease her for being serious about those things.

    Mama’s reaction to the check was indifferent. She said she didn’t really care about it because she had known it was coming for all those months. Walter was anxious to convince Mama to give him money so that he could invest it in the liquor store.

  9. Hey guys it’s dd2015.
    Beneatha stands out from the rest of the group because she likes a guy from Africa( Nigeria). The guy she likes is her teacher from campus. Her teacher should step in and say that’s wrong.
    Asagai makes Beneatha feel like a bad American. When Beneatha saw her hair was messed up Asagai asked her if that was how she was born. He was trying to take it as a joke but Beneata took it seriously. She is gullible.
    Mama wasn’t that excited about the check. She wanted d to give the money to the church. Walter on the other hand, only cared about himself and the money. You have to the movie it was nice!

  10. Josh2015blog:

    1. Beneatha is different from everyone because she presents herself to everyone. She is open to everyone(kind of like Travis).
    2. Asagai makes Beneatha feel bad about herself because he thinks her hair is ugly. He said that it is “mutilation”. Beneatha might feel desperate now and might change her hairstyle.
    3. Mama is very happy and surprised because of how many zeroes are on the check. She even asked Travis if they were the right amount of zeroes. Walter was frustrated because he just wanted to know what the amount of the money and nobody would listen to him. Then, he left the house and started drinking.


  11. Hello this is Argenis2015. Today I read scene 2 of A Raisin in the sun. The family finally got their check, but their are different reactions about it. Beneatha stands out from the rest of her family because she seems to be the smartest one. Also that she is dating a Nigerian boy witch makes Mama think of heathenism and how they need to try to save him from that religious belief. Asagai seems to make Beneatha feel that her hair is to American. It seems as if Asagai really cares for Beneatha and that is shown by, even though he criticizes her hair to her it seems as if he really cares for her. Mama’s reaction is kind of disappointed because she probably thinks is too much money and she wants to give some of it away to charity. When Walter gets home he is ready to talk about the liquor store until Mama comes in and talks to him. Mama tells him that Ruth will be getting an abortion and he doesn’t believe her until Ruth comes out and confirms it herself.

  12. Beneathea stands out in the family because she’s always being herself, she doesn’t care what other people say so she acts the way she wants.For example, the way she speaks to Mama when they’re talking to Asagai is acting real smart with her.She always be herself.

    Asagai makes it feel like if being an American is a bad thing.He does this because he’s really smart African boy which is very rare to find.He thinks hes the best because of that.Just because he’s a smart African he teases Beaneatha for being an American.

    Mama’s reaction to the check is different from Walters because Walterloves money.Walter believes that money is everything wothout money youcan’t buy anything.Mama is usually more calm and isn’t always over reacting about money.

  13. Ola2015- Beneatha stands out from the rest of her family and the cast because she is often outspoken and rude. Beneatha is also educated as well which is different from her family which only is slightly. Also she is very realistic and isn’t very religious (judging from past events). Now, Asagai makes Beneatha feel that she is an assimilationist in America. Asagai teases her about hair because she mutilates by perming it and not leaving her natural. He does this to question her about her identity and how she changes herself to fit in. Mama’s reaction to the check is calm and not rushed. Walter’s reaction to the check is ecstatic and is rushed. He is obviously happy and thinks that the money is the most important thing. 🙂

  14. Rashell2015Beneatha stands out from her family becuse she is really educated.She knows a lot about other places like Africa and knows how to speck Italian.She also talks proper English.
    Asagai makes Beneatha feel bad about being American because it is like he can predict what she will do and say just because she is American.I think he does this just to see her reaction or to see how she reacts under pressure.Also he may do this to see what kind of girl Beneatha is.
    Mama pays no mind to the check its like it never came.Because Walter thinks that money is everything, he acts like the money is a life saver.They acted the opposite from each other to Walter money is life while Mama thinks as money as nothing just helpful.

  15. Angeline2015: Beneatha stands out from the rest of the family by setting goals for herself and sticking to them. She goes out with people and she’s also independent. Also, Beneathas always herself and doesn’t mind what others say about her.
    Asagai makes her feel bad, she sees how her hair is looking and I think even though she didn’t show it she felt bad. She knows her hair looks bad and him telling her makes her feel even worse. I think he does this to show her that even though her hairs looking bad he doesn’t really mind. Also, in a way to tell her that he likes her and he doesn’t just look at how she looks but how she acts.
    Mama’s and Walters reaction towards the check are very different. Mama acted like the check was nothing and she also showed she didn’t really care about it when she gave it to Ruth to put away. Walter in the other hand acts like the money belongs to him and starts making plans.

  16. Angely2015

    I think that Beneatha stands out from the rest of the family because she has a higher level quality of thinking, unlike the rest of the family they think all the same. I also think that she has a unique way of ideas and thinking. She is also different because she has a dream that she is working really hard on, which is to be a doctor that is hard for women and even worse for a colored woman.

    He said “…in this your all the same. And the same speech, too!” I think that he is saying that all American women think and act the same way, like Beneatha. He also says, “It’s like you can be sure that the worlds most liberated person is not liberated at all. “ I think that by this he means that American women think they know something but in reality they don’t.

    Mama didn’t react in the same Walter did because she knows that life isn’t about money, as Walter does as he told mama “life is money”. I also think that since she got the check because of her husband’s death she doesn’t feel as right to taking it. I also think she doesn’t know the right way to reacting to the $ 10 thousand dollars. I also think that it’s a lot of money and she has never held a check for $10 thousand before, and she doesn’t know what to do with it.

  17. Hello this is Elianny2015. Beneatha stands out from the rest of the cast because she is the only one who is getting a good education. She is also is the only one that is looking into other countries like Africa. Asagai made Beneatha feel upset and ashamed about being American because he said that they were always doing their hair. He also said that they don’t feel proud about their natural hair. Mama didn’t really react as enthusiastic as Walter did. She was upset because Walter only cared about the check and he also wanted to invest it in a liquor store. In a way I agree with her because his dad died and all he cares about is the check that they get because of his death.

  18. Justin2015. Beneatha stands out from the family because she can talk correctly sometimes. Also she has a better education then all of them. He makes her feel sad for beening american because he teases her. He teases her sbout her hair because it’s crinkly and the way she acts because she’s so very serious about these things. When the check came Mama wasn’t really happy because she said ” I spec, if it weren’t for you all, i’ll just put it away or give it to the chruch or something. Walter’s reaction was that he was he was going to open a liquor store.

  19. M y name is ashley2015. Beneatha stands out from the rest of the family, because she knows different languages and cultures. She is diverse and willing to lear about others and talks in complete english. Also, she wants to be a doctor and go outside the box instead of being a nurse like the average woman. Asagai makes her feel sort of catogerized as an america woman , and he talks about her hair to make her mad. He also acts out how serious she always is. He does this because he wants her to let up and let him get to know her and not be so serious all the time . Mama’s reaction for the check kind of was humble and she just gave it to Ruth because she thought she needed it more than her. Also, Walter’s reaction was bad because all he thought about was the check as soon as he got home. H e then got mad after Mama told him that the money would not be used for a liquor store investment.

  20. Its shawn here and im going to blog about Raisan In the Sun.One way Beneatha stands out from thr rest of the family is that she actually has learned a lot more education than the rest of the family. For example, on the phone when she said goodbye she said it in Italian language to show off what she knows. Asagai makes Beneatha feel that he maybe hates the way she dresses her hair. He is criticing her on her hair and asking her these question about wether or not she likes the way her hair looks. Mamma’s reaction from the check is like a thank you thing but then Walters reaction was becoming a crazy man. When the check came, he wanted to opne in a liqor store but mamma kept saying no so he got mad. He stormed off and caught in an agruement with Ruth in the process.

  21. Marièn2015: One way that Beneatha stands out from the rest of the cast is that she is not as gudge mental as them . What I mean by this is that she doesnt gudge other people by their race . For example , when Beneatha was telling Mama about her friend she states some opinions and stereotypes.

    Asaqai makes Beneatha feel kind of ashamed of being American by teasing her about her hair. He asks her if she was born with her hair strait nd she respods no , she eas born with napy hair . I think that Asaqai does this to show her that she should not be ashamed of her natural beauty nd how she was naturaly born.

    When the family resieves the check Mama reacts calm and as if the mo ey inside does not mean much to her . This is diffrent from how Walter acts because he acts all exsited nd thinks of all the thinqs they can do with the money.

  22. kaylap2015. Beneatha stands out from her family because back then in the 1950s women would mosy likely be a nurse but she wants to me successful and become a doctor(which was better for a man to become a doctor). Also she is more outgoing then the rest and she actually knows whats going on in the family right now for example Ruth is gonna have a baby and Beneatha knows that the baby is not gonna fit in the crowded apartment. I would say Asagai is making her feel uncomfortable because she is trying to make him feel like company and if he is being mean to her then if i were Beneatha i would kick him out my house. Mama’s reaction to the check is like a “whatever” reaction and its different from Walter’s reactions because Walter is more excited then mama and anxious.

  23. Julio2015: Tonights reading was very interesting. The reason was beacause it decribed about Benethea and the person that she is seeing. She really stands out. One of the reasons why she stands out is because of her intelligence. She often speaks italian. In my opinion this is because she’s trying to show off, and try to speak another language. Another reason is beacuse of what she wants her future carrier to be. That is to be a doctor. Even though it was rare that ther were woman doctors, Benetha still wanted to be one. The reason that Asagai teased her was because of the way she was serious. This made Benentha feel bad about where she comes from. In my opinion I think it’s wrong that Asagai did that. What if she made fun of his culture? How would he feel? This is why Asagai had to think before speaking to Benetha. Because now she feels bad. Mama’s reaction to the check was happines, and that’s why she started to cry. Now on the other hand Walter wanted to be selfish and keep the money for his buisnees. I agree with mama on giving some money to Benetha and living the rest to the family because of the poornees in the family. They’re poor, and a little extra money is what they need.

  24. Hi! I’m Samaiyah2015 and i’m reading A Rasin In the Sun.
    Beneatha is a curious- borderline nosy- character. For example, she wanted to know all of the details with the pregnancy- whether it was planned or accidental.

    Asagai makes Beneatha feel weird about te American choices she makes. Even though he means it in a playful way, there is still this awakward feeling. For example, when beneatha got a perm/relaxer, he said she was mutilation (bruised, messed up, neglected). He did that because he sees it as unnatural, but as I said before, he is just being playful.

    Mama’sreaction to the check: She seems indifferent, almost as if she really doesn’t want the check. Even Travis comments and asks her if she is okay.
    Walter’s reaction to the check: He is happy, as soon as he enters the house. His excitement is misunderstood as disrespect by mama.

  25. Genesis2015.Beneatha stands out from the family because now Walter,Ruth and Mama are all thinking about the check and what are they going to do with the money.Though Walter is the only one that wants to open up a store.Asagai makes Beneatha feel like being an American is all the same for every other American woman because he says how every American girl he has met have always said the same thing to him.He teases her because he says how it was crinckly and he asks her a lot about her hair.He does that because he noticed that the hair she had on wasn’t looking good on her.When the check arrived mama’s reaction was just like she didn’t really have too much to do with it and she says how people act silly over a check.Wlater on the other side wants to own the money and do what ever he want with it but Beneatha says that mama is the one who deeserves it the most so he gets angry at that and leaves the house to find peace.

  26. s.brownie2015.
    Beneatha stands out from the rest of the cast and her family because she is easily influenced by new people and things. Asagi gave her an opinion that changed her perspective on permed, straight hair. With his opinion in mind, she went into the rain and wet her hair so it would become napped and knotted when it dried off.
    Asagi teases her about her identity because he noticed how easily mislead she can be. He wants her to marry him, and to move to Africa with him.
    Ruth tells Mama that she can use her money to do whatever she wants to do with it. She didn’t want Mama to have the burden of their problems on her shoulders. Walter, on the other hand, wants Mama to give a monetary investment into a liquor store for him. He believes that his mother should have his back no matter what his choices are, which he thinks that Ruth doesn’t have.

  27. One way that beneahta stands out from the family is that she has a very not slang language and also she is going to college. That’s a big stand out. I think that asugai makes benestha a little jealous he is not American he is Yoruba which i really don’t know of. Because she is probably more poorer than him. The reason why he teases her is because she is always speaking in a more serious accent. Also they got in a big argument about her hair because he made a joke and she assumed he thought it was ugly. I think that she was really surprised because it was more than Walter’s.

  28. Arsthly2015:
    Beneatha stands out from the rest of here family because she speaks better than them. Sometimes she may talk slang, but since she has a higher education than most people in her family, her English is much better than those around her.
    Asagai made Beneatha feel she wasn’t American because he asked her way she had that American hair style, like the whites had. He does that because he wonders why Beneatha had the typical hair style of white women at this time.
    Mama’s reaction to the check was different than Walter’s because Walter knew right away what he wanted to do with it. On the other hand, Mama wants to spend it on the right things that will help the family. Mama seems to be in charge of most economic decisions.

  29. Hello Orlando g 2015 here.Beneatha stands out from her other family members in many ways like she talks better English then the rest of the family she also seems to be more educated then the of the family ,for the fact that she goes to college.I think Asagai does a really job of making beneatha sort of feel bad. i think feel bad because her sort of criticizes the way she lives is almost as if he didn’t expect that from a person like beneatha. its sort of like he found it disappointing. he does all of this to sort of tell her “hey you need to work harder then what you do to try and help your family from this mess”. I think mama wasn’t as excited as Walter was about the check she was hoping to do more things with it like save up for that garden she wanted.

  30. Hi this is Kathy2015

    In my opinion Beneatha is different from the family because she is working on changing something in her life. But the rest of the family has the idea that their going no where. Meaning that they have no spirit for themselfs.

    I think he made her feel like she wasnt worth it. He discribed her hair as being napy. So she had a feeling that he wasn’t intrested in her.

    Mama began to act different because she wants to take charge on the check. Walter began to also act different he wanted to get away from the house. Ruth didnt have the chance to tell him about the baby. The only way he found out was because of mama forcing him to sit down and talk.

  31. diamond2015.UNC
    The way that Beneatha stands out from the rest of her family is that she goes to college. She has a proper speech while everyone else speaks with dialect. The way she stands out from the rest of the cast is that she has her own way of doing things. Those things includes the way she interacts with her family and with people outside her family.
    The way Asagai makes Beneatha feel about being American is like guys have more advantages than women. Women just follow what they say. Asagai teased her about her hair because he thinks that it is not natural. He thinks she acts serious and it is funny to him.
    Mama’s reaction is quite simple at first. Then she changes to unhappy and wants Ruth to take it away. The way her reaction is different from Walter’s is that Walter is extremly excited but Mama gets upset about the money comming as if she knew something was going to go wrong with it.

  32. Gabriel2015: A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry

    1: Beneatha is different than other characters and cast in the novel because she likes an African man which is not usual because he originally did not come from America. She also likes the fact of having his presence there. She also accepts the strange gifts that he gives to her. Or at least they would be strange to the average American person. This is why we may see as her someone that is different than the other people in this novel.

    2: Asagai shows that American woman truely care about their appearance. He teases Beneatha because she is just trying on her new gift from him and he asks how her hair is. He asks her if she always had her hair like that and said that something is wrong with it. Because of this she starts to act paranoid because she feels that she does not look like the best as she can possibly can in front of Asagai.

    3: Mama’s reaction to the check was somewhat anxious and excited. She really wanted to see if it was true. Although, she did not go wild over it. When Walter he was over excited. He was so anxious to see the check that he did not even greet his family before he even asked if the money got there. Walter even over exxagerated the check when he saw it. He said that it was so tempting for him that he was actually going wild just thinking about what he could do with the money. I think the Walter likes money much more than he likes his family. Maybe. We will soon see.

  33. suni2015- Beneatha stands out from the rest of the family by going to school,were she hangs out with Asagai learning about Africa and their culture.Asagai makes her feel unconfortable just because she’s African American. I think he does that because he probably wants her to be more interested in African culture. I think he does that because he wants her to be more interested in her kind of people and how they look or what they do. Mama’s reaction toward the check is careless because she thinks that the money is no big deal. While Walter thinks of the money as a chance to change their life, he wants the money to do a business with one of his friends. Mama thinks that the money is useless for her because it is only for her and she can’t help it seeing her family suffer. Walter only wants the money to make business with it and get his own money.

  34. Wussup its Naz and I am reading Raisin In The Sun.
    Beneatha is different from the family because she is a little more educated or seems to act more educated than then all of them. She sometimes think that she is better than others because she goes to college and all the other people she lives with. Beneatha talks more appropatley than anyone in the whole house because she is getting an education and does not speak slang like Walter.
    Asagai is teasing Beneatha about everything because she is a young african american women and just because he is african and he has an accient and she talks al propper and stuff.

    Mama reaction to the check is really diffrent to Walter reaction to the check.Mama is excited because they can finally move into a new house and could have space for everyone to sleep at night. Walter wants to invest into a liquor store so he can get some fast and easy money but Mama wont let him do that because Mama does not want him to mess it up for the family.

  35. ClarissaC2015 =)

    1) Beneatha stands out in the family because she appears to be a little bit more educated than the other members of the Youngers family. She’s the only one who seems to be ahead of her time when it comes to thinking and that makes her seem more intelligent than the other Youngers.

    2) Asagai makes her feel like she tries to fit in with the crowd to much. He made fun of her hair saying that he kills it or hurts it because its straight and isn’t natural. He also says that she tries to fit in with the others which is why its hard for her to find her “identity”.

    3) Mama’s reaction to the check was like it was a shame to get it. She seemed as if she was scared to hold it or to even look at it. It seemed to her like it brought something that tore the house apart, which it seemed to do a few pages after the check came in.

  36. Zariah2015. She stands out because she talks different. She sounds more educated than the rest of the family. Beneatha goes to college thats why she is more educated than her family. He makes her feel like she isn’t a good person. His comment about his hair made her kind of mad because it was like he was sayyen her hair was ugly. Mama didn’t seem to admire the check as much as Walter did. I think it was because she wanted to make the right choice of what to do with the money. Walter’s reaction was very excited and he wanted to do what he wanted with the money. Since Mama didn’t care what he wanted this caused a big camotion.

  37. Hello 2o15 today I’ve been so bored. Today I read act 1 scene 2.

    Beneatha is the only member in the family that stands out. She is sort of like a unique, she’s the only one that money is not everything. She is on her game, she is in college and trying to become successful by being a doctor. She is a positive person in the family.
    Mama’s reaction was happy, but not as happy as Walter’s reaction, he was happy. He thought that this would make him open the new liquor store he was thinking of opening. That day he was so happy but Mama said that she doesn’t want to do that then he got mad.

    Peace out Kipp

  38. Jm2015:tonight I read to page 95. Benetha. Stands out from the rest of her family because she goes to college at the moment. She also speaks proper and unlike her family they talk I slang.
    Asagai made Beneatha feel proud to be an American. Back then people that were african american didn’t have that much self a steam for their selves because of the economic crises that they are going through. He makes fun of her hair because its not the same as the women in his country and he also likes it.
    Mama and walters reactions are different towards the check beacuse mama dosent really care about the money. On the other hand walter cares about the money because he wants to invest the money in his liqur company he wants to make. Mama thinks that the money isn’t as important because money isn’t every thing to her

  39. ae2015

    1. Beneatha stands out from the family because of her relationship with Asagai. Also because she has such a big goal to accomplish that is very rare,which is to become a doctor.

    2. He makes Beneatha feel sort of ashamed about being an American.He is teasing her because he knows that she is very serious about her looks. She’s very dramatic when it comes to her looks too.

    3. Ruth at first was calm and when it arrived she wanted Mama to open it. She was demanding for it to be opened. Walter on the other hand was just straight crazy. He put the check in front of him and counted the zeros. He didn’t even talk to Ruth who seem to be very upset. He said he would talk to her later. He was too busy with that check. OBSSESED MUCH! 🙂

  40. Gianni2015.ARITS. Beneatha stands out from her family because she is the only one that has went to college. She also stands out from the family because she shows that she is not as ignorant as them. I think that Asagi makes fun of Beneatha for being american because he is just being sexist. I don’t beleive he has a reason to. If he does have a reason I think it is because she was acting libaral. Mamas reaction was different from Walters because she doesn’t care about how much money they have she cares about her family. Now walter is different because to me it seems like his whole world revolves around money.

  41. kdozier2015. One thing betheana has is that shes more educated. She also speak better proper english and french. he makes her feel ashamed. he teased her because her look bad to him. he says he does it because she so serious about those things. shes not happy about them she seemed mad when travis told her that she was rich. Walter wants to spend the money on his liquor store but mama wont let him so theres a big ca-motion .

  42. emanie2015. Beneatha stands out from the rest of her family because she is the only one in her family that wants to be a doctor. also, because she is an attractive collage girl that is really into her education.She dates two men Joseph Asagai and George Murchison. She is happier with Asagai, her Nigerian boyfriend. his nicknamed her “Alaiyo,” which means “One for Whom Bread—Food—Is Not Enough.” She is angry with George, her African-American boyfriend. Asagai makes Beneatha feel bad about being american because he makes fron of her because she is american and her hair is nappy. in my opinion the reason that he is making fron of her because in my opinion i think that it is because he is joking around with her. also it is probably because he is not used to seeing people like her because he is not americann so he is not used to half of the things that she does ar wears. mams reaction to the check is bad because she says that shr tought that freedom used too be life and now its money s this shows that she does not appreciate the money she is recieving. while on the other hand walter appreciates the money very much and he thinks that money is life. so they have their own opinion about money.

  43. kayla T is here.~~~~~

    beneatha stands out from the rest of her family because shes in ollege. speaks properly and can speak another language. and she wants to be a doctor when she grows up and theres not a alot of black female doctors.

    Asagai makes her feel like she not a real blackperson i think. when he comments about her hair being the way it is, is because it isnt natural and aficans and blacklike to have the nappy kinky hair but she doesnt.

    Mama reaction was shocked of how much money it was and put it away because she was very overwelemed.her reaction is different than walter because he was being so disrespectful and the first thing he said was when he got home was were is the money so he can open up his liquor stor. but his wife wanted to tell him that she is preganat and might get an abortion!

  44. kayla T is here.~~~~~

    beneatha stands out from the rest of her family because shes in ollege. speaks properly and can speak another language. and she wants to be a doctor when she grows up and theres not a alot of black female doctors.

    Asagai makes her feel like she not a real blackperson i think. when he comments about her hair being the way it is, is because it isnt natural and aficans and blacklike to have the nappy kinky hair but she doesnt.

    Mama reaction was shocked of how much money it was and put it away because she was very overwelemed.her reaction is different than walter because he was being so disrespectful and the first thing he said was when he got home was were is the money so he can open up his liquor stor. but his wife wanted to tell him that she is preganat and might get an abortion.

  45. Jm2015:I read to page 95. Benetha stands out from the rest of here family because she talks proper. She’s going to college and she found a african american who has a lot of money and back then that wasn’t usual.
    Mamas reaction is different from walters reaction to the check because walter is feining for the check. Mama dosent care about the money as much as walters wants the money to invest the money. An mama just thinks the money isn’t that important.

  46. Kai2015: Beneatha is different from the rest of the family in many ways. Those ways are small things such as vocabulary, social behavior, and in some cases maturity. The way she speaks is fluent and proper unlike other in the family that don’t really have the strong vocabulary.

    I think that Asagai makes Beneatha feel that she isn’t iportant to this world and that she is “garbage” just because of her appearance and the way she acts. Maybe he thinks this about her because he is jealous of her and her culture and is upset that he is from africa. I thought that Mama didn’t seem very ecstatic about the check because she doesn’t really like the talk about money but Walter thinks that money is everything and that it is life so he was very happy.

  47. IsraelP2015- Beneatha stands out because she is now about to attend college and do all these things involving things that are usually not done back then in low class neighborhoods .She is sticking out because unlike the others she also like to show off her intelligence by maybe speaking in a different language. Asagai makes Beneatha feel as if being American is sort of a bad thing, like he always spot something on her like her hair and then he tell her how to do something the correct way. I guess he does that because he comes from Nigeria and maybe people from Nigeria are not accustomed to this way of living. Mamas reaction to the check is different because all Walter is thinking about is investing his check into making his liquor store .But as for mamas reaction is calm and she’s also thinking about how she is going to save some money to raise enough money to buy a new home.

  48. Beneatha stands out from the rest of the family because she is the most educated in the family, and she attends college. She is smart too. For example, she corrects mama about where Asagai is from. Mama thought he was from Africa until Beneatha corrected her and said he was from Nigeria. Asagai makes Beanetha feel very sad. She think she is very ugly now. “he watches her pulling at her hair and frowning in the mirror.”Asagai thinks her hair is mutilated every week. He teases her because she takes these little things seriously. Mamas reaction to the check for some reason was unhappy. “slowly her face sobers into a mask of unhappiness.”This is different from Walters reaction because he seemed excited about the check. He was waiting for it impatiently, he was thurst.

  49. Ag2015

    The way Beneatha stands out for the rest of family because she doesn’t know the languauge he’s speaing so she’s affended and starts to stand up for her and her family. She also affended by what he said to her too. She doesn’t feel comfortable the way he is acting like they are uneducated too.
    Asagai makes her feel that she’s a different American because everyone else he has spoken to has told him the same. He also tried to diss her and make jokes so she started disliking him. He does because he says that she is too serious and he wanted to do as she said to not be serious. Mama’s reaction wasn’t that happy she cared about Ruth and her baby and their family. Walter on the other hand wanted to see the check and didn’t give a care for anything else, not his family only the money.

  50. Hi it’s Miladys.
    Beneatha is different from the rest of her family because she is interested in other culters and understands them.She also tring to become a docter and finish school.
    Asagai makes Beneatha by telling her that she mutilated her hair also tell her she is like all other Amarican girls.He do this to tell her that she is acting like other Amarican girl.
    The reaction that Mama had was to save the money and spend it on a bigger home. But Walter wanted to invest it on a liquor store.

  51. Beneatha stands out from the rest of the family because she can speak a different language.Also she wants to be a doctor.He makes her feel afended of being American.He does this because he probably wants to be American and is trying to tell others that being American is bad to cover it up. Its different because Walter really wants the check and Mama is not to crazy about it.Mama wanted to spend it on a house and Walter wanted to make a liquer store from it.

  52. Jerick2015. The ways beneatha is standing out for the family is buy caring for her. She ignores the mistakes she makes. Also she ignores her brother Walter when he argues with her. Lastly she thinks in positive ways and tries not to let the family down. Asaigai makes Beneatha feel strange about being american. He tells her that Blacks And Whites are all the same. Beneatha didnt know that. Also he teases her beacuse i believe she gets mad real quick about things. Lastly he calls her Alaiyo. In his country that means someone who is idiot or something like that. Mama’s reaction about the check is big. She believes that the money should go to the church or something. That the money is needed in the family. On the other hand, Walter wants the money partly because he wants to drink wine and stuff like that and that aint goinq to happen in Mama’s world. i found out that Ruth is pregnat! For me thats exciting.

  53. burrt, my name is brian. asagi, affects the characaters because he’s a man whos in loves beanthea. inaddition its affective because he wants to do numbers things with beanithea and she doesnt. the check is affective because every body is so excited and even walter lee is actting up too.beanthea stands out because she has dreams or being someone in life. the ways she stands out is because she wants to be a doctor is a balck family. asiga makes beneatha feel mad because he jokes around wit her like that because he knows she will get mad. mamas reaction to the check is upsetting because everyone was fighting over it. and she saw that walter was going crazy over the check.

  54. Asagi affects the chararcters because he is a man that’s in love with Beneatha. Its also affective because he wants to do so much more with beneatha than what she wants to do. The check affects the charaters because theyre all excited about the fact that theyre going to recieve $10,000.
    Beneatha stands out from the family in many ways. she has plans for her future. she wants to be a doctor other than the rest of the family.
    Beneatha feels upset of being an american right now because shes being judged because of the way her hair is. Asaiga is doing that because he knows that she gets real mad when it comes to her hair.
    Mamas reaction towards the check is very upsetting because she doesnt really care anymore since everybody was fighting over it. she found out that things would of been better if her husband would have been there.

  55. markos2015-1.she stands out becuase she can talk italian and slang.she also goes to a university and no one else went to a university.
    2.he makes her fel like an american women because his relion is yoruba so she feels more american the more he talks about it.he is probably saying that american women just mess up there hair and not leave it natural.
    3.ruths reaction to this is she doesnt care she wants to spend it on a is very ecited because he wants to spend it on a liquor store… then he gets crazy becuase the whole day no one listened to him or even cared about him.

  56. Jalisa2015:Beneatha stand out from the rest of her family, and from the rest of the cast of A Raisin in the Sun by knowing that she is young and she knows the hard times can comes.She can consider herself as being gratefully of all the things that she can compete in life.Also she can stand out from the rest of the cast by letting everything flows by and only letting herself do what she actually is the right thing to do as a member in the family and as a member in the cast too. Asagai make Beneatha feel about being American what actually Africans and Americans can do even though they might have different cultures.He teases her for her hair and the way she acts because he want Beneatha to at least Know that he is a great boy to be with.Also to make her laugh kind of friendship talking into the two of them.This lead her to see that he can be a nice boy.Mama’s reaction to the check was like her face sobers, into a mask of unhappiness. She looks like really surprise about the ten dollars in the check.

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